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Which of these would you prefer?

It’s that time of year again.

Two weeks to go and the shops are full of shoppers looking for gifts.

This got me thinking about this week’s blog.

I was wondering, what would you rather have for Christmas this year?

The gift of being present to life or loads of presents?

It was this time a couple of years ago I took my Mum, daughter and grandson to Lapland to meet the ‘real’ Father Christmas, along with his elves, his reindeer and his very large sack of toys.

Now right away, depending on a number of factors, you may think this kind of event sounds overly commercial, perhaps even a bit tacky or phoney, but I can honestly say – hand on heart – that it was quite magical, one of the best day’s out.

We ate mince pies and there was mulled wine for the adults .

We walked through an enchanted wood and there was an ice rink, all against a backdrop of the ultimate winter wonderland of our dreams.

Plus, of course, we got to meet the man himself, the roundest, beard-iest, ‘Ho-Ho-Ho Santa you’ve ever seen.

The designers of the Lapland experience had made every effort, to the point where the man in the red suit almost had everyone convinced.

Obviously he was an actor but at least his whiskers and beard looked good!

What made it extra special for our family was that my grandson Ashley, was a ‘believer’, which meant the visit was free of cynicism.

He was only three at the time.

To see the look on his face and my Mum as we entered the log cabin where Santa held court would have melted the heart of the meanest humbug in the world.

My Mum was nearly 90 at that time and as I watched her face, I saw that she viewed the experience through curious childlike curiosity.

Seeing the wonder in everything, much like Ashley, with no judgement, no filter of thought, opinion or belief getting between her and the sights, sounds and tastes that the universe was offering.

And that undiluted pleasure was what I saw with my elderly Mum and young Ashley as they “got” being present in the moment.

As I stood there watching the ritual of the present giving I remember thinking how lucky I was to have found something equally magical in my own life, something that had been there all along but simply hidden from me by my own thinking.

That understanding is a gift.

When we know. We know.

When clients understand what stops them feeling great about life or work or relationships etc.

They know and they improve.

It’s very simple but not when you don’t know.

It’s there for every client I work with.

We don’t have to go to Lapland for it.

Its free and available to us any time of day.

And the most beautiful thing of all: We don’t have to seek it anymore when we know.

And my clients stop searching when they see this truth: Life isn’t complicated when you look through uncontaminated thinking.

There really is magic in the world if we open our eyes to it, and I’m not talking about Christmas here.

I’m talking about that innocent look of pleasure on my family’s faces.

And I’m talking about those things that matter to you in your life, regardless of your religious beliefs if you have any.

You may not be celebrating the festive season for any number of reasons, but whatever your situation here’s my message to you.

If we can only wake up to the truth that we are all made perfect, that through the power of the understanding of our true nature, we can direct our lives in any way we choose, we can finally start to fully appreciate the wonderful gift of life we’ve all been given.

The gift of being PRESENT.

And you know what?

That’s a gift I can give to my clients because I have it myself.

Being in the NOW is when the magic happens.

They see the solutions to problems that didn’t exist before they became present.

Solutions just appear. Not always immediately, but insights always arrive.

Now that’s a game changer because that’s what my clients want.

I know that you don’t want a fluffy chat about some theory or model.

Perhaps you don’t want to be subjected to someone tapping under your eye or anchoring your big toe.

You want an answer to why you haven’t achieved A B or C and a solution to the problem!

That can only come via an insight.

Have a great rest of the week and I’ll catch you soon.

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