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Writer's pictureHeather Prince

Hit the reset button now…

It’s hard to believe 2019 is half over.  1st July marks the exact midpoint of the year!

Did you have high hopes of what this year would bring?

2019 is meant to be your year of unlimited creation, manifestation and self-expression, thanks to the confidence of the number 3 (2+0+1+9=12, 1+2 =3)

Unfortunately, though, 2019 has been rather challenging for most, maybe for you too…

So, if you’re still stuck or struggling to get ahead this year, you’re not alone.

While this “3” Universal Year awakened your voice, unlocking a powerful gateway between your inner desires and outer reality…

along with this deep desire for self-expression comes self-doubt, self-sabotage and intense insecurity.

Does this resonate with you?

Have feelings of doubt or dread crept in over the past 6 months?

Have they blocked you to achieving your new year’s goals and abundance in 2019.

Don’t give up!

1st July kicks off the second half of 2019 with a powerful double dose of fresh-start #1 energy.

The 1st day of a “1” Universal Month (7+2+0+1+9=19, 1+9=10, 1+0=1), this is your one and only shot to hit the reset button on 2019…

And, if you’re prepared, 2019 will be the year you bounce back to abundance 

What would you like to manifest over the next month….

  1. Emotionally?

  2. Psychically?

  3. Materially?

  4. How can you best ‘midwife’ your own creativity?

  5. Are you truly expressing your heart in your most significant relationships?

  6. Are you in a satisfied relationship with yourself?

This month, ask yourself….

  1. What do you need to receive?

  2. What do you need to release?

  3. What do you need to heal in your life?

We live in a universe of cause and effect. Every action has a reaction. What we sow, we reap.

Be grateful for what you have manifested in your life so far, to help you redefine your “mission statement” for the future; and to aid in releasing what no longer serves your higher purpose.

I am offering a FREE Breakthrough Session to help you gain clarity.  It’s free, it’s not going to take longer than half an hour and it is aimed to help you move forward.  It you want to take me up on this offer, click here and schedule your call with me.

Let the rest of your life be the best of your life!


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