Every day we face choices and then we have to live with them. You may be living with what is called a “karmic hangover” and not even know it.
For example, you may have chosen a career for yourself that doesn’t express your Soul-level gifts and talents. And even though you’re not terribly successful (after all, abundance can only come through congruence to our Divine nature) and you hate your job … you’ve worked very hard. You’ve invested years and years of experience in a specific industry that makes it hard to consider transitioning to a whole new career.
Or you may have chosen to move to a different country because your other half comes from there, but it may have turned out to be a very toxic relationship. The relationship eventually ends but … you end up living there, because of your job and it’s easier to stay than pack up and start all over again. So you end up living in a place that is essentially just a consequence of a relationship that didn’t work out.
Is the voice inside your head telling you that this is just “what you have to do” to get what you want, and that “it will all be worth it” in the end?
Of course, if the life direction you’ve chosen for yourself is incompatible to your Soul’s nature to begin with, then a great many of the associated choices will be equally incompatible.
The result? You end up living with the consequences of these choices for years, sometimes even for decades. You learn to tolerate. You don’t want to “throw away” the time and effort you’ve invested in a career, a place, a relationship … even if these are and always have been out of alignment to your Divine self-expression.
Of course, we severely limit both our abundance levels and our opportunity for spiritual expansion by choosing, day after day, to …
stay in that job
stay in that business idea
stay in that degree program
stay in that social circle
stay in situations that were never an expression of your Soul’s Divine nature to begin with.
It’s a good idea to occasionally take stock.
How, exactly, did you end up where you are?
How did you choose your home, your career, your relationships, your friends?
Were these conscious choices that you truly wanted to make?
Or were they choices that you believed inevitable as part of a bigger life direction you chose, a life direction that, overall, perhaps hasn’t created much abundance?
Hitting the karmic “undo” button is actually incredibly easy. All we have to do is make new choices, and we find ourselves in a new karmic pattern, and new circumstances! And if our new choices are more compatible to our Soul’s nature, our circumstances will be more abundant than before.
Of course, hitting the karmic “undo” button takes a bit of effort! We have to actually DO something different from what we’re used to. But it’s not actually “hard.” What FEELS hard is the willingness to let go of what we have, so that we can make room for something more abundant and reflective of our Divine nature. There are parts of our ego that dislike risk, and interpret all change as dangerous.
That’s why it is so helpful to understand which choices will create what consequences … because, of course, a choice that is “negative” for one person is highly positive for another!
This is why we have created the HUNCH CLUB, for you to connect with your intuition which is your built in superpower, so that you know that you’re making the best choices.
The more aware you are, the more powerful your inner compass is.
A great question to ask is: “Given everything I know about myself now … would I make the same choice again, today?”
If the answer is a resounding “no,” then it’s time to course-correct … even if it’s inconvenient. Otherwise you are always going to block yourself from standing in the fullness of your full potential.
So you have a choice now that can change your life.
Tickets are now available for our Superpower Workshop on Saturday 9th June, where we will share how to connect to your intuition. For the first 20 tickets, put in the code EARLYBIRD and save £40 off of your ticket!
If you’re unable to come, you have a choice to join the MEMBERSHIP for THE HUNCH CLUB which opens its doors on Monday 4th June!
You will be shown how to connect and align to your inner Superpower, your sacred gift, your intuition. We offer a simple and effective actionable way to change thoughts, beliefs, emotions, behavioural patterns and mindset, so you can feel greater clarity, happier, more empowered, confident, in flow and create a life you love.