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This new month of April, with its “retrograde” energies, is an invitation to move inward before fully anchoring our soul desires – and creations – in the physical – rejuvenating ourselves mentally, physically and emotionally. There are four planets in retrograde motion, during April: Venus, Saturn, Mercury and Pluto

At the moment, many of us are in a stage of transformation  – and we can feel deep physical sensations such as pain in our bones and spine, headaches, anxiety, loss of hair, between many other things, that releasing old imprints and beliefs have. This will be also accompanied by profound mood swings. We could feel more emotional, during this month, and even depressed, as it is time to release karmic baggage and will give you an opportunity to recognize where fear still keeps playing a major role. Fear can be disguised in many forms, it can appear in our lives in form of lack, in the form of attachment or in form of self-sabotaging. However, we always have the choice, to choose which one to serve, FEAR OR LOVE. 

So with these energies, you may be wondering what to fire up and focus on.  

Now is the best time to gain knowledge, as you head towards your goals. I suggest you enrol in a course, read books, register for online training or choose something that you’re drawn to so that you acquire the knowledge that you need.

Work and finances will be affected during the Mercury retrograde. You may feel that communication with colleagues, bosses and subordinates is very difficult. So leave it this month if you thinking about  negotiating a pay rise or to sign financial agreements.

Focus this month on self-love and observe how you communicate with yourself. It is not about what others think or say about you. Neither is it about how you communicate with others or what they understand, but about your internal dialogue toward yourself that brings you down the most and makes you think you are inferior or superior. Observing yourself will make all the difference in how others treat you and how you also behave with them. CLICK HERE to enrol in my 7-Day Inner Relationship Challenge. 

This month is the perfect time to recognise and release old patterns that are not aligned with who you truly are and what you truly desire.

Ask yourself, have you learnt and integrated the wisdom from past challenges?

Keep your feet on the ground, put 100% effort into your work, be patient and practical.

Towards the end of this month, it will be the best time to either start a big project at work, or spending time getting your finances organised.

And during the transit of Venus, enjoy flirting and short-term relationships, with no-strings-attached. Know that ‘Love at first sight’ is possible!  As the Goddess of Love revises her journey, so do we, and it may bring from our past old lovers and situations that we thought were finished. When this occurs, it’s a gift, for you are being told that there are certain aspects within yourself that is  still active that need to be let go. 

There will be a Full Moon in Libra on April 11, so it’s a great time to focus on forgiveness- as our main tool for healing.   


In my 7-Day Inner Relationship Challenge, I wish to show you that every relationship is a reflection of how you relate and interact with yourself. Your relationship with a friend shows you just as much about your ‘self -relationship’ as an interaction you have with a stranger. Each relationship and interaction are different, yet they each give you the opportunity to realize how much you love, accept, and honour yourself.

Are you curious to know what is blocking you from allowing inner relationships to reflect compassion, acceptance, honour and love?

Plus what is blocking you from allowing these inner relationships to be in balance and harmony?

And what blocks you from expressing self-love in your every action and thought?

CLICK HERE to register for my 7-Day Inner Relationship Challenge

Available for APRIL only.

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